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Welcome to Fitness With a Foodie



I’m Ishita, a self-confessed fitness freak + foodie.


I started Fitness With A Foodie way back in 2018 for my MYP Personal Project and while it might have been something I was obliged to do at the time, it turned into something bigger for me. I found my passion - writing!


This became my platform for sharing the things I love most: Food, Fitness and Writing. Every week, I created new content for my viewers to see; I was able to reach out to an audience that just wasn't my known circle!! That was a big deal for a 15-year-old me!


Unfortunately, that 15-year-old girl grew up and didn't have enough time for the blog she loved so much. But, don't worry, this story has a happy ending. Well not ending, but a new beginning.


This is Fitness With A Foodie revamped! And fortunately for you, I’ve grown, gained more experiences and have more to share. I started this blog with content related to mostly fitness, food and (some) yoga, but I want to expand my horizons and share more unique content :)


For now, that’s all I have to say, but stay tuned for some brand new content from yours truly!

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