The Best App To Help Get You Fit
So for this blog post, I wanted to try something different; something new. So for a week, I will be using three different apps, which will record aspects of my life such as the amount of steps I've walked or how long I've been active for in a day.
To make it fair, it won't be an app like FitBit, as a Fitbit records every move I make, so I will use apps which can only calculate things when I have my phone on me.
This will enable me to choose the best app anyone can use if they want to record their fitness in a easy way, without having any cost.
At the end of the week I will choose the best one and will let you know what app I think is best to get you fit!
I will be judging the apps on these 4 criteria:
How many aspects of my health (eg: steps I've walked, amount of hours I've slept, etc.) the app calculates
Accuracy of the app
My personal opinion
Does the app help me get fitter
The three apps I will be using for the next week are:
-The iPhone Health App
-My Fitness Pal
Wednesday 19th July 2017
First Thoughts:
-iPhone Health App: Because I've had an iPhone for a while, I knew what to expect. The iPhone Health App has all your basic features which are all very good. What I didn't ever realize about the app is that it has these advanced features too like Body Measurements and Vitals. So far the iPhone Health App has impressed me and I am looking forward to using all these new features over the next week and maybe for longer too.
-My Fitness Pal: I was impressed with My Fitness Pal. It seemed like a good app form the start because it started of with me filling in my weight and height details and gave me an aim of how many kg's I should lose in a week after giving me the choice of losing weight, maintaining my weight or gaining weight. What I especially liked about this app is that it asks you to fill in what you ate for each meal and it calculates calories, unlike the iPhone Health App which only asks you the amount of calories you have consumed and its very likely that you don't know the answer to that. The only thing I didn't particularly like about the app is the fact that it counts the amount of steps I've walked using the iPhone Health App, which makes it hard for me to analyze the second criteria.
-SWORKIT: Honestly, SWORKIT left the best first impression on me. When I opened the app and finished putting in my details, it did a similar thing to My Fitness Pal as it opened a page where I could put down all my goals and the good thing about it was that it wasn't only based on weight like My Fitness Pal. It gave me the option to pick if I wanted to tone my muscles or build muscle and so many more things. When you finish all the introduction stuff it shows you a pages which has different workouts based on if you are a Learner, want to become Fitter or Stronger. The app tells you how much cardio, strength, yoga and stretching you should do and various exercises for each one of these things. The only negative of this app is that it doesn't focus on capturing the amount of steps you've walked but more on how much time you've worked out for and if you've accomplished your goals.
Wednesday 26th July 2017
So after a week of experimenting with these Fitness Apps, I marked them on each criteria and here are the results:
iPhone Health App:
How many aspects of my health the app calculates- 9/10
Accuracy of the app- 7/10
My personal opinion- 7/10
Does the app help me get fitter- 5/10
Total: 28/40
My Fitness Pal:
How many aspects of my health the app calculates- 8/10
Accuracy of the app- 9/10
My personal opinion-9/10
Does the app help me get fitter- 8/10
Total: 34/40
How many aspects of my health the app calculates- 6/10
Accuracy of the app- 9/10
My personal opinion- 8/10
Does the app help me get fitter- 9/10
Total: 32/40
A More Detailed Explanation Of How I Marked The Apps:
These apps were all great and all had different ways of achieving the same goal and I think they were all successful however the way I marked them enabled me to see which could help me and others the most.
The iPhone Health App is your basic Health App as it calculates the amount of activity do you do in a day and the amount of food you consume in a day. I wouldn't necessarily say it is bad to help get you fit, but it's not best. I don't think it is very convenient to add in the amount of calories you've eaten or fill in other factors you can't always know the answer to. It has the features but you have to do most of the work for the app to calculate unlike the other apps. This app comes on every iPhone so you don't need to do anything to get it if you have an iPhone but the other two apps are free so its easy to download them too.
My Fitness Pal was my favourite app because I think it was the most useful and it scored most out of 40. This app gives you all the things which are in the iPhone Health App as well as its own extra features. In the beginning, you fill in all your details and because of that it calculates the amount of calories that should eat. You just have to type in what you've eaten and it calculates the average amount of calories, which I really liked. The app also gives you recipes to help you have a healthier diet and exercises that focus on becoming fitter.
SWORKIT was quite close to My Fitness Pal, because of all it's features. It has a whole section dedicated to Workouts, which tells you what workouts you can do if you want to focus on Strength, Cardio, Yoga or Stretching. The app's great when it comes to telling you how to workout but it only focuses on that, not factors like food, which is an important part of staying fit.
