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How I Lost Weight- Controlling Portions

I've wanted to this post for a while now and honestly, I think you may like it. If you've seen my about page, you will know ages 9-12 weren't the best for me but I can proudly say I got out of those years and I can share how did it with you. I will be doing two posts focusing just on this and this is post one. These two posts will explain the two aspects of how I lost weight and this one will tell you the food side of it. So here goes.

I've always been a person who absolutely loves food, but who doesn't. My only problem as a child was that I didn't know how to control myself. At one point of my life I was obsessed with Oreos and when I say obsessed, I mean OBSESSED! I used to consume 8 Oreos in a day and unfortunately that was only the start of it. It didn't help that I overate in my normal meals or that I used to put in even more junk into my body. So you can imagine how that must have been. Oreos + Over Eating + Extra Junk= FAT.

I feel horrible that I was constantly told my family about this but I still kept on eating too much. I don't understand how it didn't hit me considering that as well as the fact that I was called 'fat girl' by a boy who didn't know my name. Bear in mind, that I did check my weight and I saw it go from 35 to 69 in 4 years and that isn't healthy at all. I remember being happy when I saw the weighing scale saying '67' but now when I look back, I really don't know how my mind didn't just go like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!

I think it was right when Year 8 ended, I checked my weight and it was 69kg's and I was mortified. I know it seems weird that I was fine when I was 67kg's and not with 69, but something just hit me and that was it- that was when I told myself I HAD to loose weight.

The first part of this series is based on the food side because the first thing I did was control my portion and gave up the one thing which was poisonous for me- Oreos. So all I can say is CONTROL IS THE KEY. I reduced my portions to a normal size and I stopped having junk. All that excess food entering my body was stopped. From then I controlled how my body looked not junk. I didn't diet at all or used any other method to loose that weight but just control.

If you're having difficulty with reducing weight and you know there's that one thing that you eat way to much cut it out of your life; trust me it will help you so much. I became conscious of what I ate, not in the sense of how many calories I was consuming, but in the sense of what food was good for me and what wasn't. Eventually, I had to stop something else I loved, Nutella, but that was for a completely different reason but it helped in controlling my weight too.

I saw myself go from 69kg's to 63kg's in one summer and I lost another 6-7kg's between then and 2016! So ever since that day I saw 69kg's on the weighing scale I have controlled my portions and maintained that lifestyle. I don't really know how hard what I did sounds, but it was hard, at least in the beginning. This wasn't an easy task and neither will it be for you if you're trying to loose weight but all I can say is that it was worth it. You may not think that in the beginning, but take it from an ex-fatty, it is worth it in the end.

Well thats it for today but I hope you liked part one of How I Lost Weight!

Here are a few pictures just for you to see how worth it it is:


About Me


I’m Ishita, a self-confessed fitness freak + foodie

I started Fitness With A Foodie way back in 2018 ...


© 2021 Fitness With A Foodie

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