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Hip Abductions- How You Can Do It With & Without A Machine!

Hip Abduction Basics

What Are Hip Abductions? Hip abduction is the movement of the leg away from the midline of the body. This movement is necessary for our lives because we use it everyday when we step to the side and get up from places like bed and a car.

So what do hip abductions do? Well, The Hip Abduction Machine and Exercises target your hip abductor and your gluteal muscles (the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus). So when doing any sort of hip abduction exercise, you are working out your hip abductor and gluteal muscles.

How To Do It?



  1. Set the pin to the correct resistance on the weight stack and adjust the pads if necessary *Fitness Tip- If you're new to using the machine, start of with a lighter weight (15-25). Once you have done it for sometime, increase the weight*

  2. Sit on the seat and place feet on foot holders

  3. Position thighs so they are pressed to the outside of the pads


  1. Abduct the thighs to press the legs apart (Spread your legs as much as you can. Only use your legs; no other support)

  2. Once your legs have been fully abducted, slowly reverse the movement to return to the starting position (Close your legs back into how they were)

  3. Repeat *Fitness Tip- Do about 10 abductions on each weight and increase the weight every time you finish*


Side Leg Raisers:

1. Lay down on the floor (on your right side)

2. Bend your right elbow and place your head in your right palm. You should be in a straight line from your right elbow to your right heel.

3. Place your left hand in from of your chest (on the floor)

4. Lift your left leg as high as you can. Keep your left hip extended and your left leg straight.

5. Pause at the top

6. Slowly, lower your left leg

7. Repeat. Do the same on but with your right leg up (keep swapping or do one leg continuously then the other)


About Me


I’m Ishita, a self-confessed fitness freak + foodie

I started Fitness With A Foodie way back in 2018 ...

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