Side Plank ~ Vasisthasana
The Side Plank or Vasisthasana is an underrated Yoga position which one of the best position if you are focusing on your abdominals. The plank is an isometric (core strength) exercise and is brilliant for improving back problems.
The Meaning Behind Its Name:
Vasistha was the first son of Lord Brahma and later became advaita vedanta (student) of his father. Brahma taught Vasistha how to control his mind and body and how to workout his internal and external organs, which we now know as Yoga. Vasistha later went on to teach others Yoga. Vasistha's most known student was Rama, who was about to become King and it was Vasistha who taught Rama how to control minds and make them clam. There is no actual proof that Vasistha taught the Side Plank to his students, however it the position is named after him, so one can assume he taught this position to his students and may have been the creator.
People tend to do the standard face-down plank however this type of plank doesn't focus on a weak muscle known as the Quadratus Lumborum. The Quadratus Lumborum muscle is the deepest abdominal muscle and due to that it is referred to as a back muscle. When this muscle isn't worked out, it can lead to all sorts back pains as well as pain in the hips and glutes maximus. Doing this position plays a role in averting these pains.
The Side Plank also improves core strength and strength in arms, wrists and legs. The position requires all of these body parts to be used, thus working them out and strengthening them further.
How To Do It:
Lie on your left side with your knees straight
Lift your body using your left elbow and forearm as support to balance
Raise your right hand. Your body should be in a 'T' shape
Contract your abdominals
Raise your hips until your body forms straight line from shoulders to ankles
Breath deep and hold this position
Repeat the same steps but with the opposite side of your body.