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Trekking- What You Need To Know & My Experience

I've been trekking a few times in my life now and I just did it again! Trekking is an experience everyone should have; you get to discover the beauty of our world and getting to burn those extra calories makes you feel incredible! Today, I want to share my tips and experiences with you which will hopefully inspire you to go out there and explore nature.

What You Need To Know:

What You Should Have With You-

-Trekking Shoes *Tip- Normal Trainers will work to; make sure they have a good grip *

-Trekking Pole/Stick

-Water (at least 1L)

-Bag (To keep all your belongings)

-Clothes which are comfortable and you can walk easily in *Tip- They may get dirty so don't wear your fanciest pair of clothes*

-Phone or Camera (Because you have to get some good photos for Instagram ;D)

My Tips-

  • Go with a group, it's so much more fun when you have people with you!

  • Carry a lot of water because you do get thirsty

  • If you're trekking in a rainy season, make sure to take a rain coat (and rain pants if you want to)

  • Don't keep any belongings in your clothes because you can fall. Keep them in a bag

  • If you're in an unknown area, try finding a guide who can tell you about the area and warn you about dangerous areas

  • Always walk on a path or grassy area; not in mud or on rock because you will slip

My Experience:

Like I said above, I recently when trekking and I had a great time. I went for a trek in Lonavala, India with a guide from The Club Mahindra Resort. For those of you who don't know Lonavala, it is a hill station in Maharashtra near Pune. Currently it is the Monsoon season in India, so at the time of my stay in the resort it was raining continuously.

We found about the trek on the first day of our stay and decided we had to go on the next day. On the next morning the rain continued so we decided to go for the 4 o'clock trek in hopes that it would not rain and left to the Fun Zone, where we were provided with a trekking stick, rain coats and pants and a bag with juice and water. When we left with our guide and another couple, it started raining, but thankfully only for a few minutes and it then it stopped for the whole trek!

It was a two hour trek where we walked down and back up a hill which was full of slippery mud and grass but it had the most spectacular view. Throughout the trek, we got to see the beauty of the hill station and the lake in front of it. Our guide was very helpful and informed us about all the areas we needed to stay away from but also how to walk in some areas. One very important thing I learnt was that do anything but do not walk in the mud because you could slip very easily, which I did many times but that trekking stick saved my life so many times too. I also learnt in some areas where there was very little space you have to walk sideways to avoid falling and baby steps were also very important for not skidding.

Once we were close to the bottom of the hill, our guide showed us this waterfall which he told us we could get wet in. At first we were hesitant, but the couple we went with convinced us to do it and we got wet in a waterfall! Honestly it was such a magical experience. The feeling of the fresh, ice cold water against your back was incredible. Never in my life I thought I would do such a thing but it was so worth it.

After this, we went down a bit, got some more photographs, and climbed up the same path. Climbing up was much easier because we new the path but also it was harder to slip when walking up. Once we got up, it started raining which was so perfect. We were so lucky it didn't rain during our trek because I would have fallen even more. My experience was so great and I would recommend to everyone to go on this trek because it was just amazing.


About Me


I’m Ishita, a self-confessed fitness freak + foodie

I started Fitness With A Foodie way back in 2018 ...

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